Rider Profile Time,it's Robin Kelly of Waterford.

1 Whats your favourite meal ?steak and chips

2 Who s your hero?sean kelly

3 Whats your favourite climb ?soria climb in gran canaria

4 If you were a super-pro , what team would you like to ride for and why ?Columbia,coz of the super lead out train!

5 Who s your ideal date ?Carmen Diaz or Halle Berry.

6 What book/magazine are you reading at the moment ?Dont actually read any books.

7 Whats the best bike race in the world ?The Ras.

8 Your greatest achievement off the bike?The birth of my son Ben.

9 What 5 people would you invite to dinner ( either dead or alive )Lance Armstrong,Dwain "the rock" Johnson,Sean Kelly,Al Pacino and Robert de Niro.

10 Any goals for next season ? To win 3 A races and beat Michael Hennessy in Fermoy.lol

Thanks again Robin ,Best of luck next season (you'll need all the luck you can get when you come to Fermoy though!)

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