Hope you enjoy our new Rider Profile spot , where we interview riders and get to know the 'man behind the rider '

First up is Fermoy's Eoin McCarthy

10 Questions with Eoin . . .

1 Whats your favourite meal ?
Eoin: Nothing beats a good 'oul Donatellos. Hah

2 Who s your hero?
Eoin: Hmmm, So many to chose from but id have to go with Heinrich Haussler.I like everything about him. He's one for the future. Just Class!

3 Whats your favourite climb?
Eoin: Well I like all climbs really but if I had to pick one it would be "The Vee" I love the scenery up there. Its nice to ride over.

4 If you were a super-pro,what team would you like to ride for and why?
Eoin:Probably Columbia HTC, The way they work as a team is unbelievable and the amount of race wins they get is somthing else. I Also like Cervelo Test Team.

5 Who s your ideal date?
Eoin:Haha.. Id say Eva Longoria from Desperate Housewives ;)

6 What book/magazine are you reading at the moment?
Eoin: Mark Cavendish "Boy Racer" This is mainly why Id like to ride for Columbia. Reading this showed just how good they work together.

7 Whats the best bike race in the world?
Eoin: Hmm, tough one, but id have to go with the "Tour de France". Its either that or Paris-Roubaix.

8 Your greatest achievement off the bike?
Eoin: My greatest achievment off the bike would probably be.. Getting a Silver medal in the Racquetball All-Irelands.

9 What 5 people would you invite to dinner ( either dead or alive )
Eoin: Lance Armstrong, Michael Jackson, Alberto Contador, Fabian Cancellara and Jimmy Hennessy haha.. got a bit stuck!

10 Any goals for next season?
Eoin: Havnt really thought much about specific goals but i'll be looking for placings in a lot of races and maybe a few wins.

Thanks Eoin .
Watch out for more rider profiles coming soon . . . .